Sunday, March 27, 2011

it's never too late for a beer, so CHECK OUT MY WEEK!

Have you missed me? I've missed you. This was a busy week and a great weekend. I have lots of blog ideas for this week so hopefully I will find the minutes to sit down and type them up for you! In the meantime, grab a beer and join Kim for another installment of "Grab a beer and look at what I did last week!"

grab a beer button

If you ignore all the media about the Sacramento Kings moving to Anaheim, the big story in the Sacramento area lately has been our weather. We have had rain for nearly two weeks straight. I know you Seattle folks are sad for us, really, but for us Northern California folk this is a little much. One afternoon we had a brief clearing and the sun poked out, but the clouds stayed dark to remind us that the rain wasn't done yet. It was much prettier in person than I was able to catch in this picture.

I hate going to the dentist. HATE. However I am happy to report that I am 29 years old and STILL CAVITY FREE.

My mom bought the girls these adorable outfits from a Janie and Jack outlet. Janie and Jack is one of those stores that I wish I could buy all of my girls' clothes from. They have adorable clothes and the quality is amazing. Of course with quality comes high prices, hence why I do not buy their wardrobe there =)

The boys drinking Car Bombs during Earth Hour. Earth Hour is NOT actually a drinking event unless you are at my house. This requires a blog of it's own... so tune in later this week.

Guinness, Baileys and Jameson seemed like too much to handle for me... so I started Earth Hour off with some champagne. DE-licious.

Ana and Grace both like to look at the iPhone. I was using the camera feature where you can see yourself and Ana was getting a kick out of it. These are just a few of the pictures her and I took!

Grace deciding if she likes to wear glasses or not!

Have a great week friends! And head over to Yep, they are all mine to join in on the fun!


  1. You guys are so fun!!! Well, not the dentist part, but the rest look great! Thanks for playing :-)

  2. I love seeing pics of the girls, especially with their adorable smiles. I miss baby smiles, big kid smiles just aren't the same LOL

  3. I would've gone champagne too! Your babies are adorable! Love the glasses!

  4. I love the iPhone pictures. Ana is so vain ;)
